The Action Team was created as a city-wide initiative intended to reduce violence, improve safety and enhance the quality of life in Hamilton’s most vulnerable neighbourhoods. Action is part of the Neighbourhood Safety Project and its objectives and mandate are in line with NSP. Action is focused on intervention, prevention, enforcement and community mobilization, not punishment. The mandate for the Action Team is specific to this focus and they are not used for other functions within the Hamilton Police. The officers are deployed in five teams with five Constables and one Sergeant being assigned to each team. The teams patrol either on foot or bicycle and are easily recognizable by their bright yellow jackets. These five Action Teams are deployed in shifts that provide for a great deal of crossover and information sharing. These shifts also allow the service to field ACTION Teams most days, and every afternoon and evening. This consistent presence allows the officers to have a significant impact in terms of enforcement, visibility and crime prevention in challenged neighbourhoods.
Crime Analysis
The Action officers have been deployed based on detailed crime analysis which has provided valuable intelligence to the officers. The crime analysis examined violent crime within the city of Hamilton (including hotspot and cluster analysis). Identifying crime hotspots and analyzing both neighbourhood and crime characteristics within these areas are critical pieces of information for fighting crime.
Focus of the ACTION teams:
- Reducing Violence and Disorder in our neighbourhoods
- Increasing Safety in the Community
- Improve the Quality of life for all
The key to the success of this program is for the Community to take their own ACTION, resolving crime and disorder in the neighbourhood, thus creating a void The Hamilton Police Service will then work with communities to assist and empower members of our communities to fill that void.
Filling the VOID
A safe neighbourhood needs everyone to be involved. Here is how you can help:
- Hold or attend a community meeting to discuss how to make your neighbourhood safer
- Create or participate in programs that may offer solutions to on-going problems
- Build connections with your neighbours, get to know your BIA representative
- Use the public spaces in your neighbourhoods
- Tell a police officer, or call Crime Stoppers (1 800 222 8477) to report crime and disorder in your neighbourhood.
Follow us on TWITTER- HpsAction4
Contact Us
ACTION Office (905) 546-2004
Supervisor: S/Sgt Canaris (905) 546-2003
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