Victim Support & Services

Victim Services Branch
Victim Services Branch provides 24-hour emotional support and practical assistance to individuals victimized by crime or tragic circumstance. Staff and specially trained volunteers provide practical assistance, emotional support and referrals for additional community resources.
If you or a family member is a victim of crime and/or trauma and you need someone to talk to, please call our 24-hour line at 905-546-4904. We are here to assist you with emotional support, information and community resources.
24/7 Crisis Intervention
We reach out to victims of crime and trauma with 24-hour crisis intervention. Individuals, families, businesses and organizations receive critical crisis intervention as well as support, information and referrals necessary to assist victims in dealing with the trauma of the incident. We know that the earlier the intervention is activated for a victim, the faster a person will regain control over their life once an incident has occurred.
Dealing with Trauma
Events such as a sexual assault, abuse, the death of a loved one or a natural disaster can cause trauma. These types of situations can result in unpleasant feelings and emotions - both during and after such events.
Responses to a stressful situation vary greatly from person to person and not all people will experience the same reaction at the same level of intensity, nor for the same length of time. However, it is important to recognize that whatever the reaction is, it is often a normal human response to a stressful situation.
What you may experience
- Change in appetite
- Backaches or stomach aches
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Difficulty falling asleep or waking often during the night
- Crying
- Need to be alone/or surrounded by others
- Emotional outburst
- Pacing
- Thinking
- Difficulty concentrating
- Replaying the event over and over in your mind
- Nightmares
- Blaming yourself or others who are not responsible
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Guilt
- Panic
- Sadness/withdrawal
- Fear
- Irritability
Coping Strategies
It is important to remember that a traumatic event falls outside of normal everyday life. You may need some new strategies to cope with an unusual experience.
Helpful things to do may include:
- Talk to someone you trust
- Give yourself permission to reach out for professional help
- Spend time with supportive family and friends
- Avoid over use of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, nicotine
- Acknowledge your response to the situation and give yourself permission to have difficult moments after the fact
- Try to stay positive and avoid self-defeating thoughts (e.g. I can’t manage….”, “nothing matters….”, etc.) and use thought-stopping (e.g. say: “stop” to yourself when you find yourself thinking negative thoughts)
- Resist making life changing decisions following a serious incident
- Give yourself time to mend
- Write out or journal your experiences, thoughts and feelings - this may be especially useful through sleepless nights
- Try to maintain your regular routine
- Try to eat properly and exercise
- Be aware that traumatic events can sometimes bring back memories of past sad or traumatic events
- Practice deep breathing - inhale slowly to a count of three, hold your breath to a count of three, and exhale to a count of three and repeat until you are breathing more easily
- Don’t try to fight dreams or flashbacks. They are normal and will become less intense and painful over time. If they do not appear to be decreasing over time, you may need to seek assistance as there are exercises that may help manage these
Trauma in Children
Children who have been involved in a traumatic incident need the attention and close physical contact of their parents or caregivers:
- Reassure them of their physical safety
- Take opportunities to listen and talk to the child
- Talk about your own reactions with the child, in an age appropriate way
- Invite conversation so children feel encouraged to share their concerns and reactions too
- Allow them to set their own pace
- Try to keep routines as normal as possible
- Encourage them to play and draw - a good way to cope with stress and anxious feelings
- Practice relaxation techniques with them
- Seek professional help if you need assistance or have concerns about your child’s reaction and/or response. Often, parents can receive helpful coaching by a professional to effectively support their child
Short-Term Crisis Counselling
Crisis counselling is provided by Victim Services Branch staff in the office, at a client’s residence or other locations as necessary. Information about community services, resources and referrals are provided that empowers people to make informed choices.
Sexual Assault Support Program
The Victim Services Branch now offers support to victims/survivors of sexual violence throughout the the investigative process in collaboration with the Sexual Assault Unit. Supports can include: emotional support, safety planning, practical assistance, and connection to community resources. We also offer the option of having Victim Services support during the police interview.
Survivors of Sudden Death
Police officers routinely attend residences where a death has been reported or to notify family members that a death has occurred.
This section addressed the most common questions asked of Police Officers and other to help support survivors through a difficult time. Individuals situations differ but some of the most common suggestions are outlined below:
- Gather your support system around you (family members, friends, your faith, others—anyone you can talk to, anyone you can count on and anything that gives you strength and encouragement).
- Notify the people closest to you about the death, and ask them to notify others.
- You may inquire with the police or the Victim Services Branch about both financial and emotional support/resources for you and your family to help you deal with the loss.
- Know that the police may call upon you to identify the deceased, answer questions or reclaim personal belongings.
- If the scene of death (your home, car, etc.,) needs cleaning, you have a choice not to do it yourself - blood and bodily fluids can be hazardous to your health. Once the investigation is finished, you can make arrangements with a local biohazard recovery service to clean affected areas.
- Check with your insurance company before making arrangements.
- Deal with legal matters (i.e. determine the number of copies you want of the death certificate, locate the will, begin filing insurance and other related claims).
- Above all, get some rest and take care of your own health.
Dealing with Grief
The death of a person close to you can be a very painful and difficult experience. You may have strong feelings at times, and sometimes they may seem overwhelming. You may experience shortness of breath, loss of appetite, feelings of vulnerability, guilt, lack of interest, forgetfulness and more. These are normal reactions. However, if they persist, seek professional help.
Be aware of how you and others around you are coping. Let others know that they are not alone, and remember that mourning for your loved one is a normal and important part of recovering. Give yourself time to heal and put off any major changes or decisions.
Grief in Children
Pay particular attention to children - they need to grieve as much as adults. However, the grief may show itself in a different way. It is not unusual to see children acting out grief one minute, and then playing happily the next minute. Try not to limit their tears, feelings or even anger.
Above all, children need to feel safe, loved and cared for. Use simple, direct language to explain that a loved one has died. Some guidelines include:
- Answer the questions in a way that satisfies them and try not to give more information than required - give a brief explanation and answer in a language level that the child can easily understand
- Don’t be afraid to use words like dead and death
- Never tell children anything they will have to unlearn later (e.g. “Grandma has gone away” or “Grandma is sleeping”) he child should understand that death is permanent, and the loved one will not be coming back
- Let children know that it is okay to show their emotions, and
- Reassure the child that he or she is loved and will be cared for by others
Making Funeral Arrangements
Funeral arrangements should be made quickly. Choosing a funeral home or crematory service can be done by searching the internet or through friend and family recommendations. Once a funeral home has been selected, you will need to call and ask for an appointment to be made within the next few days.
At the appointment, be prepared to discuss:
- Suitable dates and times
- Clothing choices
- A designated charity for memorial donation
- Financial arrangements
- Burial/cremation, visitation, and viewing
Types of services you would like (e.g. style of service, religious/non-religious, cultural related requests, etc.)
A funeral home is responsible for:
- Transporting the deceased
- Preparation and embalming
- Organizing and staffing the service
- Composing and releasing the obituary
- Filing the death certificate and transmitting copies to you
- Administrative and ceremonial arrangements
All funeral homes and companies described as transfer services offer an inexpensive alternative known as direct disposition. This option includes the removal of the deceased from the place of death, the placement of the deceased in a container or casket, the delivery of the deceased to the cemetery or crematorium and the filing of necessary documentation.
While there is no law requiring you to use a funeral home or transfer service, there are legal documents that need to be completed to register a death or arrange for cremation, embalming, entombment or burial. Cemeteries and crematoriums both require a casket or container be used, and transporting a body can pose challenges. Ensure you are complying with the law.
Costs depend entirely on the services selected by you. Every funeral director and transfer service operator is required by law to have price lists available to the public at no charge and without obligation.
When a Coroner is Involved
A Coroner is an appointed public official. In Ontario, as outlined in the Coroner’s Act, cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coroner include:
- Sudden or unexpected deaths
- All deaths involving children under the age of five
- Deaths from violence
- Suicides, and those occurring in any suspicious, unusual or unnatural manner
A Coroner can order an autopsy (post mortem). In addition to determining the cause of death, the purpose of the autopsy may be to identify the deceased or verify the time of death. Materials are collected for medical evidence (e.g. bullets, hair, fibers, semen, etc.) and for toxicology testing (e.g. blood, bodily fluids, etc.)
An autopsy will not generally affect the family’s ability to view the body; however, be aware than an autopsy is a medical examination that can involve incisions and the examination of internal body organs and tissues. It may be emotionally difficult to see the after-affects.
Information pertaining to the death may be obtained from the Coroner. On written request, you can get a copy of the Coroner’s Investigation Statement (it can take over eight months to complete). There is a cost, and insurance companies can sometimes reimburse that cost depending on the situation. Once the Coroner completes the post-mortem, the body can be released to the funeral home or other service provider.
Receiving Financial Assistance
If the cost of a funeral or burial is not affordable for you, speak to your provider (funeral home or transfer service) about potential death benefits available for the deceased. The most common benefits available are those provided by Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Veterans Affairs Canada and life insurance policies.
In emergency situations, the City of Hamilton can help pay for some of your funeral and burial expenses. To apply, call 905 546-2590.
Settling the Estate
Consulting a lawyer is a good first step.
If the deceased does not have a will, the Court will appoint the Office of the Public Guardian and
Trustee as estate trustee, and all property will be distributed according to a formula fixed by law. Any person claiming a share of the estate will have to establish that they are entitled to inherit. call 1 800-891-0506 for detailed information. Also visit for detailed information about what to do when someone dies as well as for important forms provided by the Government of Ontario.
If you need someone to talk to, please call our 24-hour line at 905.546.4904. We are here to assist you with emotional support, information and community resources.
Trauma Bear Program
The Victim Services Branch administers the Trauma Bear Program by ensuring all Hamilton Police Service vehicles contain Trauma Bears. Police Officers give Trauma Bears to children at scenes to provide some comfort during the aftermath of crime and trauma. We would like to acknowledge Shaw Cable for their generosity in supplying these bears.
Victim Quick Response Program
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP) provides quick assistance to victims of homicide, attempted murder, serious physical assault, domestic violence, sexual assault and hate crime in the immediate aftermath of a crime.
The goal of the program is to lessen the impact of violent crime through immediate support services, increase the safety of victims of violent crime and help prevent re-victimization.
To find out if you are eligible, call the Victim Services Branch at 905-546-4904.
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