Investigative Services

Investigative Services
Hamilton Police Service’s Investigative Services Division provides investigative and specialized support to frontline officers. The Division consists of several specialized units that investigate crimes such as homicide, robbery, sexual assault, child abuse, drugs, guns and gangs, human trafficking and fraud.
Break, Enter, Auto Theft & Robbery (BEAR)
BEAR investigates all incidents of robbery at financial institutions, and commercial premises. The Branch also investigates incidents of commercial and serial residential Break and Enters as well as commercial stolen auto parts operations and arson.
Forensic Services
Forensic Services collects and analyzes forensic evidence to identify people linked to crime through digital imaging, videotaping and other methods.
The Intelligence Branch provides the entire Hamilton Police Service with tactical, strategic and investigative support. The police officers and team members assigned to the Hamilton Police Intelligence Branch are responsible for liaising and working in partnership with other law enforcement agencies.
Major Crime
Major Crime investigates all cases of homicide and attempt murder. They also investigate cases of missing persons with suspicious circumstances and the deaths of all children under the age of five-years-old.
Major Fraud
The Major Fraud Branch investigates major financial crimes. This includes payment card fraud, mass marketing fraud, identity fraud, account takeovers, bookkeeper fraud, investment fraud, cheque fraud and social assistance fraud. The Major Fraud Branch also investigates incidents involving counterfeit currency.
Victims of Crime
The unit consists of several teams, each with its own specialization.
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Missing Persons
- Sexual Assault
- Seniors
Vice and Drugs
Vice and Drugs Unit investigates vice and drug crimes within Hamilton in order to enhance and improve the quality of life in our community. The unit acts as a support for all members of the Hamilton Police Service as well as outside agencies. Investigators are responsible for enforcing provisions of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act that deal with the cultivation and trafficking of illegal drugs and substances. Education on drug abuse issues is also an important priority for the unit. Investigators provide dozens of presentations to community groups and organizations each year.
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