Police Cadet

HPS provides policing to over 520,000 residents in the City of Hamilton. In 2012, HPS responded to over 80,000 calls for assistance from our community. We have over 1,100 employees and our mission is to serve and protect in partnership with our communities. Join us as we work toward making Hamilton the safest place to raise a child.
At Hamilton Police Service we value the diversity of the people we serve. We recognize the value of fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization and are committed to eliminating barriers faced by member of equity seeking groups (women, Indigenous, Black, racialized, LGTBQ2S+, people with disabilities and new immigrants).
Note: Police Cadet vacancies are posted on the Hamilton Police Service Website under Careers & Opportunities.
Job Summary
The primary purpose of the Hamilton Police Service Cadet Program is to provide a bridge for youth, ages 18-25, between the completion of their education and their readiness for a career in policing by developing the competencies, skills, and abilities of future Police Constable Candidates.
General Duties
- Assist Police Officers, Special Constables, and Civilian personnel with a variety of tasks within the organization.
- Participate in training and community events.
- Assist a variety of departments with operational issues, as assigned, such as: the processing and handling of prisoners and members of the public; assisting the Records Business Centre with fingerprinting in the Forensic Identification Unit, and performing a variety of customer service and administrative duties; and performing other positions and duties deemed to be learning opportunities, as directed by the HPS.
If you have any questions that are not answered on our website, please e-mail at [email protected]
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