Get Fingerprints or Photos

Assault Photos
No appointment required however a referral by the investigating officer is necessary.
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All photos taken, or processed and printed by the Forensic Branch, are supplied to the courts for the court case.
Employment, Immigration, Records Suspension, or Border Crossing Fingerprints
Appointments are required, and are subject to the availability of a Forensic Identification Technician at that time. You can make an appointment by calling 905-546-4977, Monday to Friday 8:30-4:30, or by sending an emailto:[email protected].
Processing fee of $65.00
Fingerprinting of Charged Persons
7 days a week all year long.
Hours of Operation: 10:00 am - 9:00 p.m.
Charged persons should report to the front counter at Central Police Station. Bring your paperwork and photo I.D. along.
Charged persons are welcome to attend prior to the scheduled date and time, however a “Fail to Appear” warrant will be issued if the scheduled date and time passes without the charged attending
Central Police Station at 155 King William St. Hamilton
Photo File Appointments
The investigating officer will usually make the appointments. In some cases a witness may be asked to make their own appointment.The information required to make an appointment is:
- The report number
- The Event Type
- The Witness's name Address and Telephone number
- Officers name, badge number and station.
Appointments are one hour in duration for each suspect.
Appointments start at 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
No appointments on weekends or in the evenings.
Fraud Documents
The investigating officer submits all fraudulent document(s).
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