Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

Hamilton Police Service (HPS) primarily uses the DJI Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), to assist with a variety of public safety functions.
The primary uses of the RPAS are:
- Collision scene reconstruction
- Collecting evidence at crime scenes
- Conducting searches for lost and missing persons
- Monitoring large gatherings
- Investigating Crime
Other applications of the RPAS are reviewed on a case by case basis and will only be conducted if legal authority and/or judicial authorization have been obtained.
A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), using guidelines outlined by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, has been conducted to ensure all privacy risks have been considered and appropriate actions have been taken to address those risks. . We are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals in the operation of the RPAS and ensuring that all collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information is in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
The legal authority for collection of personal information by the RPAS is found in Section 28(2) of MFIPPA. Under this section, the government is permitted to collect personal information if the collection is used for the purposes of law enforcement.
All individuals have a right to access their personal information and general information resulting from use of the RPAS. If you have questions about making a request, please contact the HPS Freedom of Information Office. All RPAS pilots receive training on how to safely operate the RPAS as well as the theory of flight, weather, and privacy legislation and required to requalify on an annual basis.
Specific notification for RPAS usage will be posted via Social Media and/or signage except in emergent situations or where such notification may jeopardize safety.
For more information about the use of the RPAS, please call us at (905) 546-4705 and ask to speak with the Inspector of Specialized Operations.
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