Race and Identity-Based Data

What is Race and Identity Based Data (RIBD)?
Hamilton Police Service is committed to the promotion of equity, fairness and non-discriminatory policing in Hamilton.
In 2020, Ontario's Ministry of the Solicitor General directed police to record the race of individuals in use-of-force incidents. This revealed a higher incident rate in communities such as Black, South East Asian, and Middle Eastern compared to benchmark populations. We're implementing a strategy for Race and Identity Based Data Collection (RIBD) in line with the 2017 Anti-Racism Act (ARA). This will help us understand and address racial disparities.
To assist police services in this work, the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police brought a group of experts together including police leaders, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, academic experts and individuals with lived experience to create a framework.
We are now developing our own Hamilton Police RIBD strategy using this framework. Our goal is to ensure fair service to everyone in our community.
Follow our progress as we expand the types of data the Service collects and analyzes, continue to engage with members and communities, and co-develop and implement actions in response.
Community Advisory Panel
The Community Advisory Panel (CAP) plays a vital role in the Race and Identity-Based Data Strategy. Comprising 10 diverse residents, particularly from Black, Indigenous, and other racialized communities, as well as a youth representative, the CAP brings together experience in community organizing, academia, and social services.
Engagement with the CAP provides a valuable platform for hearing diverse community perspectives and incorporating these voices into the RBDC Strategy. Panel members contribute their understanding of systemic racism and their experience in research, analytics, advocacy, and frontline work.
Working with the CAP is crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the data analysis process, sharing findings with community members, and designing and implementing action plans.
Community Advisory Panel Members
Kingsley Audu
Natalie Stravens
Yasmeen Mirza
Ateeka Khan
Marlene Dei-Amoah
Marlene has concentrated her social work career in the field of Child Welfare and is currently the Director of Service and Equity at the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton. Marlene’s portfolio includes the development of an organizational strategy for the implementation of equity, diversion and inclusion. Marlene has significant community experience through her appointment by City Council since 2012, as a member of the City of Hamilton Committee Against Racism, including fulfilling the role of the Chair from 2017-2021. Marlene has been a sessional faculty member teaching in the Master of Social Work, Critical Leadership in Social Science and and Communities Programme at McMaster University.
Marlene currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Association of Social Workers and has been re-appointed to the role of Treasurer-Secretary for the 2024-2026 term. Marlene is passionate about amplifying the voices of Black, Racialized and other equity deserving communities, and will not shy away from engaging in critical and courageous conversations centering on
Hidaya Hassan
Hidaya Hassan graduated with a Community and Justice Services Diploma from Niagara College and a bachelor’s degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. She has been a caseworker at Community Residential Facilities for a decade. Her responsibilities include case management, risk assessment, and working with individuals on federal parole. In her role, she specializes in supporting clients with substance use concerns and numerous mental health needs. She also worked with the homeless population, especially in women's domestic violence shelters. Her role involved handling sensitive and intricate cases, where confidentiality and the well-being of the women and children were top priorities. Additionally, she volunteers for the Parole Board of Canada, serving as a volunteer parole officer with the Toronto West Parole Office. In this capacity, she assists parole officers in ensuring the successful reintegration of federal offenders into their communities. She still works in Hamilton as a caseworker for the St. Leonard's Society of Hamilton and pursuing an MA in Public Safety at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Shaila Jamal
Dr. Shaila Jamal is a data enthusiast and currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Toronto and University of Oxford (cross-appointed). For most of her career, she has worked with data in various research-related positions in different academic, non-profit and development organizations. Her research mostly involves topics on urban planning, geography, transportation, housing and sustainability, focusing on equity and racial justice, which involves quantitative, qualitative, and participatory planning approaches.
She is originally from Bangladesh, where she completed her Bachelor's degree in urban planning and worked on various projects for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). She completed her Master's degree in Planning Studies from Dalhousie University and holds a Ph.D. in Geography from McMaster University. Her professional, teaching and volunteer experiences in Canada include working for Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia Health Authority, City of Hamilton, McMaster University, University of Toronto and YWCA Hamilton.
Juanita Parent
Juanita is a Mohawk sister, mother, and grandmother from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She is a McMaster Alumni in Indigenous Studies and Political Sciences (2002). As a First Nations woman, she has the lived experience and impact of society upon Indigenous peoples. Juanita’s family is comprised of Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) and has direct experience with Understanding of Truth and Reconciliation Child Welfare Calls to Action, An Act Respecting First Nations Inuit and Metis Children Youth and Families and the calls for justice from the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry. With her own history in child welfare and being a status Indigenous woman, TRC is a daily mirror image of her life and history. These are a few of the events that have provided her with lived experience of some of the issues challenging Indigenous people. Juanita has persevered with community members interacting or involved with police, child protection, criminal and family courts, and/or MMIWG/TRC. She has also worked with many Indigenous community partners throughout her lifetime. Indigenous history, languages, culture and community are vital in bringing First Nations voices forward. She is not speaking for all Indigenous peoples/communities but for her family. There are over 600 different First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities across this land, and we honour them all the best we can. From various voices we have heard from people’s experiences and traumas, and she supports bringing those voices and experiences forward and not to be forgotten.
Jean Jacques Somwe
Jean-Jacques Somwe is a specialist in public health and in epidemic prevention and control. He is currently president of the Congolese Community of Hamilton, one of the largest French-speaking communities in Hamilton. He co-chairs the Hamilton Black Health Community Leaders Forum, the organization whose primary goal is to address the social determinants of health for Black people of African descent. The City of Hamilton thanked him for his service as a member of the community advisory committee mandated with successful establishment of an independent board of directors for the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre. Jean-Jacques is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in public health. He holds a Master Degree in Public Health from the University of Western Cape, South Africa, A bachelor Degree in Dentistry from the University of Zambia and a Diploma in law from the University of Mbujimayi. During the locking down of COVID-19, 2020, He enrolled in one-year Diploma course for Canadian immigration and consultation specialization and He was graduated a year later with a Diploma in Immigration consultancy. He always wanted to do this course to be objective and professional to be able to help the thousands of francophone immigrants, asylum seekers and refugee families who most of the time are abused by lack of correct information.
Clifton van der Linden
Clifton van der Linden is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at McMaster University, where he also serves as the director of the Master of Public Policy program and the Digital Society Lab. He is a computational social scientist who specializes in public opinion research. His work has been published in leading scholarly journals and has been referenced by major media outlets worldwide. Dr. van der Linden has spent more than a decade developing data-driven methods for enhancing democratic representation in countries such as Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil. He regularly advises governments on policy issues related to digital technology and is a frequent media commentator on elections in Canada and abroad. He is also the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Vox Pop Labs.
*HPS is posting member biographies as we receive permission to post names and information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose behind this work? Why are Hamilton Police collecting this data?
Hamilton Police, like all Services, are required to collect and report use of force incidents by perceived race under O.Reg 267/18 to support the goals of the Anti-Racism Act. Our data collection strategy focuses on understanding how police and community interactions affect racial disparities. By identifying the causes of these imbalances, we aim to address and reduce systemic issues.
Why is this work important?
We cannot fully understand or change what we do not measure. Our Race and Identity-Based Data (RIBD) Strategy will provide us with the ability to identify and address systemic racism in our policies and practices. It will also allow us to identify ways we can better support our members in their delivery of fair and equitable service.
What are some important facts we should know?
The Use of Force findings confirm that Black, Indigenous, and racialized people are over-represented in use-of-force incidents.
The RIBD strategy is meant to address issues of systemic racism and will not be used to further stigmatize communities. Instead, our analysis will help us adjust our policies and practices to eliminate systemic bias and identify areas where we can do better.
We are committed to continued engagement with our members and communities as we expand the types of data we collect and analyze, and co-develop actions in response.
RIBD Analysis Framework
What is systemic racism?
Systemic racism occurs when institutions or systems create or maintain racial inequity often as a result of hidden institutional biases in policies, practices, and procedures that privilege some groups and disadvantage others. It is the “normal ways of doing things” that are often unintended or unconscious and that have a negative impact on racialized people. That includes when members of Indigenous, Black, and racialized groups are singled out for greater scrutiny or different treatment.
Are there legal requirements for Hamilton Police to collect, analyze and report race-based data?
Yes, the Province’s Anti-Racism Act requires the public sector to collect race data. For policing, all services across Ontario must collect race data in all use-of-force reports. The Province’s Anti-Racism Data Standards guides the collection, management and analysis of race-based data.
Why do Hamilton Police collect data on an officer’s perception of race?
The Ministry of the Solicitor General mandates collecting information to understand systemic racial bias and systemic racism in policing by collecting officer perception of an individual’s race based on what they can observe about the individual with whom they are interacting.
Perception is important to understand unconscious biases, assumptions and other internal thought processes that may impact decision-making. This will help us to make improvements to our policies, procedures, practices and training.
How do you ensure the data is entered properly and accurately?
Police officers receive training on the proper use of the Hamilton Police Service internal records management system and reports. Additionally, interaction reports go through several internal checkpoints to ensure the data is recorded correctly and in accordance with legislation. Intentionally falsifying police records constitutes as misconduct.
What if how the officer perceives race is different from how someone self-identifies?
Perceived race is an important measurement to help us understand if we treat people fairly, regardless of how we perceive their race. The current legislation mandates the collection of perceived race and not self-identified race for use of force reporting.
Perceived race and self-identified race are two different things, although they may closely intersect for most people. Collecting self-identified race may complement understandings of what drives disparity within our community.
What is a racial disparity? What is a disproportionality?
Disproportionality is a measure of a racial group’s presence in an interaction and compares it to that group’s presence in the reference population. Disparity measures a racial group’s difference in outcomes by comparing it to the outcomes of another group.
Engaging Communities and Members of the Service
Will communities be engaged and involved in the RIBD Strategy?
Yes. Community partnerships and collaboration are necessary to the success of the RIBD Strategy. We need to embed community perspectives and be informed by lived experiences in order for changes to stick and have real impact on the ground.
What is the Community Advisory Panel?
The RIBD Community Advisory Panel is a volunteer group of 8-10 citizens who will advise the Hamilton Police Service on creating the RIBD strategy.
The CAP will have representation from individuals with lived experience, passionate about data, social justice and community service. Specifically, the group will advise on the strategies to approach race and identity-based data collection, contextualization, and action planning.
They will be instrumental in shaping the terms of reference, strategizing, and determining the path forward.
How will you determine what data will be collected?
In 2020, the Ministry of the Solicitor General required police services to track the perceived race of individuals involved in UOF encounters with police. This data is reported annually through Hamilton Police Services Board meetings.
The CAP will work with the Service to determine what additional data should be collected.
How were front line officers engaged in the process?
Front line experiences and perspectives are necessary for the analyses to be meaningful, accurate, and useful. Engaging with Hamilton Police members is also a priority to ensure that changes have real and sustained impacts. We will be engaging with sworn and civilian members from all ranks and units in several ways, including Lunch and Learns, training and presentations.
Protecting Privacy and Data Access
How are Hamilton Police protecting personal privacy and confidentiality of individuals about whom the data is collected?
The protection of personal privacy and confidentiality is critically important to the Service’s RIBD Strategy. This means that prior to conducting analyses, the data containing race and identity data is made de-identified by removing any personal identifiers, such as occurrence numbers, names, birthdates, badge numbers and other information so that the data cannot be used to directly identify any individual member of the public or officer (i.e., anonymized data).
Data containing race and identity-based data are securely stored and access is restricted to designated staff with responsibilities to produce, manage, maintain and analyze the data under the Strategy.
The Service regularly engages with Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, reviews guidance documents and orders to ensure our practices are in accordance with the best approaches to access, privacy and confidentiality. These best practices are embedded within policies.
Are Hamilton Police using race and identity-based data to identify individual officers?
The purpose of the RIBD Strategy is to identify and address systemic racial bias in our policies and practices. The analytical framework developed for the purpose of measuring systemic racism does not lend itself to identifying individual racism.
Submissions of Use of Force forms are reviewed by the Use of Force Sergeant and evaluated to ensure individual incidents meet Professional Standards. The Service has accountability measures in place to address individual racism, which is identified as misconduct.
How is HPS analyzing the data it collects under the RIBD Strategy?
To be transparent, fair and accountable for its analyses, the Service is approaching data analyses in several ways. First, the Service will continue consulting with communities, stakeholders, subject matter experts and internal members to develop an analysis framework that is guiding how we are looking at the data in a principled and open way that reflects understanding of community and policing contexts.
Secondly, a Community Advisory Panel (CAP) will be established to advise the Service on the collection, analyses and interpretation of results. This panel is comprised of diverse members of impacted communities with lived experiences and subject matter experts in community and research.
Will the public have access to race and identity-based data?
Yes. The Service is committed to transparency and accountability while protecting personal privacy and ensuring information security in compliance with privacy laws. The Strategy will provide publically available de-identified analytical datasets identified through the RIBD strategy. The Service will consider and balance the public interest in access to open data and protection of personal privacy to prevent any individuals from being identified in the data.
Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, individuals continue to have access to their own personal information, including any race and identity based data, by submitting a request to the Access and Privacy Section.
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