Report a Crime


Our non-emergency line at 905-546-4925 is for reporting incidents that are non-urgent or not life-threatening. It's also for people making general inquiries or looking for police support and resources (i.e. suspicious vehicle, mischief, following up on a previous occurrence etc.)

There are several options for reporting non-emergency incidents:

Report a Hate Crime Online

Hate/bias motivated crimes are criminal offences or incidents motivated solely or in part because of the suspect’s hate, bias or prejudice against another person based on the victim’s ancestry, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

Text with 9-1-1

Text with 9-1-1 (T9-1-1)

The Hamilton Police Service now offers Text with 911 service to persons who are Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired (DHHSI). To initiate this service, DHHSI persons must:

9-1-1 Emergencies

Call 9-1-1 in emergency situations such as life threatening situations or crimes that are in progress. This line directs you to police, fire or ambulance services.

If you accidentally call 9-1-1, stay on the line and tell us, otherwise we will have to follow up with you which can use up police resources.

Facts About 911

Hamilton Police Service has an Enhanced 9-1-1 System, so when you call 9-1-1 from a wire line (residence/business/pay phone) BELL information will automatically be provided: name (residence or business), address, telephone number and type of line (residence, business, public).  The location displayed may not be where the emergency is.  The operator will ask you to state the location of the emergency.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is a partnership between the public, police and media.  The goal is to solve crime by affording citizens the opportunity to report it anonymously.  Tipsters never have to identify themselves and never have to testify in court.  Tip information is shared with the police to investigate crimes.  The media assists in airing unsolved crimes on local television and radio, in an effort to solicit tips.