• Each child is created in the image of God, and every person must be treated with respect and dignity.  Every Catholic child has the right to be safe and feel respected in and around the school
  • Bullying shall not be tolerated on school property, at school-related activities, on school buses or in any other circumstance (e.g. online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on the school climate

Students can be suspended for an occurrence that happens off school property (even on a weekend) if it affects the school climate.


The Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board expects students and parents/guardians who become aware of an incident of bullying behaviour to report it to the school principal/vice-principal for further investigation.  Reprisals against those reporting incidences of bullying behaviour shall not be tolerated and shall result in consequences.


School Board Protocol

Upon learning about an alleged incident of bullying behaviour, the school principal or designate shall contact the parents/guardians of both the alleged aggressor and the victim, interview both students and thoroughly investigate the situation.  The investigation may include interview with students, staff and parents/guardians, review of school records and involvement of the Board’s Student Services Department.  Depending on the results of the investigation, community legal, medical and social services agencies may become involved.

Consequences for students who bully others shall depend on the results of the investigation as well as the guidelines provided by the Code of Student Conduct.  In all cases, the outcome will be guided by the principle of progressive discipline.

Appropriate counseling for victims and bullies as well as for students who have been affected by observing bullying shall be arranged through the Board’s Student Services Department.

Enforcing School Board policy is not the responsibility of the Police.  If you have any questions relating to Safe Schools School Board Policy, please contact your child’s school, or the Board. 

Consequences are confidential.  If the bully is disciplined, parents of the victim are not allowed to be made aware by the school.